Reading Tips
1. Read daily with your child.
2. Read daily papers and stories that are sent home. (These papers contain your child’s current reading vocabulary and skills being taught.)
3. Take turns reading with your child. Alternate lines or pages.
4. Early in first grade, if your child does not know w word, tell him/her the word and have your child repeat it. Your child has not been taught the phonetic skills necessary to sound out words at this time.
5. As more skills and sounds have been taught, if your child does not know a word, have your child: look at the beginning sound, look for picture clues, think about what would make sense, tell your child the word and reread the whole sentence.
6. Give your child lots of praise and encouragement.
7. Help or provide answers when necessary.
8. Stop when the child’s attention wanders.
9. Remember all children learn at different rates.
10. Your child will enjoy reading and experience more success if the material is at the appropriate level. If your child does not know 5 or more words on a page, the book is too difficult. Please find a more appropriate book.